Chatty Brother

This is our Tiny Chatty Brother Doll. This is the purchase photo. I did NOT own a Chatty Brother Doll when I was a child. I did however own a Chatty Cathy as well as a Chatty Baby. But. I bought a Charmin Catty and decided I should add the Brother to the Family Collection as well.
This Chatty Brother that I bought does not talk, so we are planning to 'crack him open' and see what we can do....after practicing on other Chatty's first.
This Doll came in such GREAT Condition, other than not talking right, Boy, I hate to even clean him up....stay tuned. We are hoping to do a bit of work on him, he is however, at this time, at the 'back of the line', as far as working on, we have others in worse shape and needing repair more than he. But, there will probably be others added too.

THESE or THIS LOT of Chatty Baby the Brunette, Tiny Chatty Baby, TWO Tiny Chatty Brother Dolls as well as one Tiny Chatty Doll body (with sting and good color on limbs), was bought for cleaning, repairing, painting, restoring and just to have fun with.
Each of these five bodies have their pull strings and each of the four heads have good opening and closing eyes.
There are two Chatty Brothers in this lot. We plan to rework them and document it here on this website. Please check back often and please see our Videos.
Most of the Chatty Dolls are going to need cleaning and repair. Please not our other pages here on this site for how we clean and repair our Vintage Dolls. We have found ways to not only get Marker and Pen Marks off the Dolls, but how to get that Mildew Smell off too.
I have information on each of our Vintage Doll Pages for cleaning and repairing, we also made these Videos. We like to encourage others to enjoy Hobbies, and their pets, not on our Channel we also have Animal Training Videos, you might get a smile from our Guinea Pigs doing Tricks and Agility.
We are trying to add Videos as we work on our Vintage Dolls. We are just showing what WE do with our Dolls.
Chatty Cathy Before:
Chatty Cathy Part 1 Troll Doll Cleaning Removing Mildew:
Chatty Cathy Clean Up Part 2:
Chatty Baby Unboxing Chatty Brother Review The Tiny:
Chatty Cathy Part 3 and Charmin Chatty:
WARNING: Restoring Vintage Dolls is Fun and Rewarding, <whispers the next part> but it can not only get expensive, you will want more and more Dolls to work on and Display. You have been warned. <laughs and winks>
DISCLAIMER: I have written here on our Website what I have done on my own Dolls and what has worked for me. I have described how I went about each step as best as I could. I will not be held responsible for what you do to the Dolls you are working on. I am not there, I can not see your Dolls or how they are made or the shape they are in. ALL I AM TELLING YOU HERE ON THIS PAGE AND IN OUR VIDEOS, IS WHAT HAS WORKED FOR US.
A Funny Thing Happened....when I bought my first Chatty Cathy to restore, her pull string worked ok, not great, once in a while, you could make out what she might be saying. After her clean up, if you pull the string off to the right side and upward, she talks, and pretty well. You CAN understand her. However, if you pull to many times in a row, or if you do not pull to the right and upward, gargle/growling noise. So I am very hopeful repairing her voice will not take too much. We shall see when we split her open. I have ordered an O Ring for the Device, but we will 'practice' on Chatty Baby first.
I am AMAZED that almost 60 years after they were first made, not only do some of the Chatty's STILL WORK at all!, But most still have Pull Strings that react to the pull, some slip, but most at least 'growl'. Mattel Toy sure made a STURDY Doll here. I know. I had a Chatty Cathy and a Chatty Baby...and we did NOT baby those Dolls any more than any other dolls!
The contents of this page for Chaty Brother is still under construction. Please check back later!
-- The Far Out Living Team Wed, 15 May 2019 10:07:00 -0400