Off Grid Energy
 There are many types of off grid energies that a person can use. Some are more effect then others. Some cost more then others. With the cost of gasoline going up, gas powered generators like we are currently using cost more about every day.
Deron wants to put up a windmill soon. I am sure we will. But he also showed me what I think is genius and cute idea for "energy".
Many of you know we have many animals. If you check our sister sites you will understand that we have many animals that run on wheels. My hamsters and gerbils must go over a mile a day.....all standing in the same place.
When Deron showed me this website my mind went like a hamster wheel....gosh, what if you hooked up TEN Hamsters and a few gerbils??
I know, I know. The work and magnet cost involved would not be worth the energy return...but still fun!!
And then...... <grin> the idea of using animal dung for energy.....
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