18" Doll Restoration and FREE Clothing Patterns
I have already restored 3 18" dolls I had bought at Garage Sales, never thinking about before and after photos or a website page....except the one doll in the photo right here below. She cleaned up great and her hair only needed a good brushing.

I will say that I did not pay a full $1 for any of the Three. And finished they really look cute and almost new. As I find others, I will have to add the steps I take to work on them here.
I am hoping to soon find my Original Chatty Cathy. She was in GREAT shape for over 40 years. Then I moved and my life's worth of stuff went into storage. She's here somewhere, but there are many boxes to still go through. Most of my poor Barbies did not make the over 20 years in a Storage Shed in WI, getting very hot, and very cold. I had to throw them out. Hopefully, Chatty Cathy is ok. Patty Playpal took abuse but, I think we can get her 'fixed up'. We are going to try anyway.

I wish I would have taken more photos of these dolls in all of their different Holiday Clothing....live and learn.
Much More coming soon!
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-- The Far Out Living Team Wed, 27 Feb 2019 08:45:58 -0500